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Research Centre > Mathematics
Dr.A.Pramila Inba Rose
M.Sc., M.Phil., PGDCA., Ph.D
Associate Professor, HoD & Research Centre
Papers Published : National
Ideals in (m,m+1) – semilattice.
Dr. A. Pramila Inba Rose.
Computer and Mathematical Sciences. | 2019 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 1 to 13
Papers Published : International
(m,n) – semilattice .
Dr. A. Pramila Inba Rose.
Pure and Applied mathematics. | 2018 | Volume No: 119 | Page: 5077-5092
M.Sc., Ph.D
Associate Professor, HoD - SF & Research Centre
Papers Published : National
Total Edge Domination Polynomials of Tadpole T3,n .
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Malaya Journal of Mathematik. | 2020 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 1514 to 1517
Papers Published : International
Geodetic Dominating Set and Geodetic Domination Polynomials of Extended Grid Graphs.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Journal of Science and Technology. | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 9 to 16
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Scientific Research and Review. | 2018 | Issue No: 12 | Volume No: 7 |
On Steiner Sets and Steiner Polynomials of Square of Path.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Scientific Research and Review. | 2018 | Issue No: 12 | Volume No: 7 | Page: 487 to 495
Geodetic Domination sets and Geodetic Dominating Polynomials of Cycles.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computing. | 2017 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 6 |
On Centre Fixed Vertex Covering Number and Polynomial of Some Standard Graphs. .
Dr. A. Vijayan.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Computin. | 2017 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 6 | Page: 3605 to 3609.
The Connected Total Monophonic Number of A Graph.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Theory and Practical. | 2017 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 357 to 366
Fixed covering polynomial for friendship graph and its Algorithm.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Engineering Science and Computing. | 2017 | Issue No: 12 | Volume No: 6 | Page: 15857 to 15861
The Restrained Monophonic Domination Number of Graph.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
National Journal Applied Mathematics. | 2017 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 7 | Page: 14 to 17
Geodetic Dominating Sets and Geodetic Dominating polynomials of paths. .
Dr. A. Vijayan.
pure and Applied Mathematics. | 2017 | Page: 47054 to 47061
The vertex covering sets and vertex cover polynomials of square of centipeds.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography. | 2016 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 19 | Page: 347 to 360
The total Edge Monophonic Number of Grap.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
International Journal Of computation and Applied Mathematics. | 2016 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 11 | Page: 159 to 166
Connected Domination Polynomial of some graphs in IOSR.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Journal of Mathematics. | 2016 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 12 | Page: 13 to 16
The total Monophonic Domination Number of Graph.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research. | 2016 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 14 | Page: 290 to0 295
Connected total Dominating setsand connected Total Domination Polynomials of Extended Grid graphs.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Elixir App Maths. | 2016 |
Connected total Dominating setsand connected Total Domination Polynomials of Triangular Ladders.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Multi-Disciplinary & Current Research. | 2016 |
Edge-Vertex Dominating sets & Edge vertex Domination Polynomials of Centipeds.
Dr. A. Vijayan.
Indian Journal of Research Foundation. | 2016 | Issue No: 5 | Volume No: 1 | Page: 35 to 41
Dr.E.Ebin Raja Merly
M.Sc., M.Phil., PGDCA., Ph.D
Associate Professor
Papers Published : National
E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Eur.Chem.Bull. | 2023 | Issue No: Specialissue 8 | Volume No: 12 | Page: 6111-6120
Medium Domination Decomposition of Zig-Zag Triangle Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Design Engineering (scopus). | 2021 |
Some Results on Super Heronian Mean Labeling of graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Contemporary Mathematical Sciences. | 2016 |
Papers Published : International
E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Eur.Chem.Bull. | 2023 | Issue No: Specialissue 8 | Volume No: 12 | Page: 6111-6120
DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si8.519 Impact Factor: 3.71
Some results on Steiner decomposition number of graphs.
E. Ebin Raja Merly, M. Mahiba.
Kuwait Journal of Science. | 2022 | Issue No: 2A | Volume No: 50 |
Split Domination Decomposition of Path Graphs.
E. Ebin Raja Merly, Praisy B.
Ratio Mathematica. | 2022 | Volume No: 44 | Page: 175-181
Steiner domination decomposition number of graphs.
E. Ebin Raja Merly, M. Mahiba.
Ratio Mathematica. | 2022 | Volume No: 44 | Page: 100-108
Medium Domination Decomposition of Graphs.
E. Ebin Raja Merly, Saranya J.
Ratio Mathematica. | 2022 | Volume No: 44 |
Geodetic Even Decomposition of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. | 2022 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 195 to 199
Total Steiner Decomposition Number Of Graphs.
E. Ebin Raja Merly, M. Mahiba.
South East Asian J. of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. | 2022 | Volume No: 21 | Page: 137-152
Split Domination Decomposition of Path Graphs.
E. Ebin Raja Merly, Praisy B.
Ratio Mathematica. | 2022 | Volume No: 44 | Page: 175-181
Steiner decomposition number of graphs .
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2021 |
Steiner Decomposition Number of Complete n −Sun graph(Citescore-0.7(2020)).
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. | 2021 | Volume No: 1947 |
Heronian Mean Labeling of Line Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Journal of Information and Computational Science. | 2020 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 68 to 75
Connected Domination Decomposition of Web and Sunlet Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific and Technology Research. | 2020 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 6641 to 6643
Super Geometric Mean Labeling of Line Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Studia Rosenthliana . | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 12 | Page: 48 to 57
Connected double Geodetic Decomposition of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific Research and Review. | 2019 |
Impact Factor: 1.536
Connected Geodetic Decomposition of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Applied Science and Computations. | 2019 |
Double Even Decomposition of Special Butterfly Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific Research and Review. | 2019 |
Connected Domination Decomposition number of Cartesian product of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Adalya Journal. | 2019 | Issue No: 12 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 218 - 223
Some Results On Heronian Mean Labeling of Arbitrary super subdivision of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Applied Science and Computations. | 2018 |
Stolarsky – 3 Mean Labeling of Arbitrary super subdivision of some standard graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Archiv. | 2018 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 20 t0 28
One Modulo Three Heronian Mean Labeling of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computer and Mathematical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 7 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 748 - 753
Stolarsky – 3 Mean Labeling of triangular snake graph.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends and Technology. | 2018 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 53 | Page: 210 to 213
Heronian Mean Labeling in the Context of Duplication of Graph Elements.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trend and Technology. | 2018 |
Even Path Decomposition of Even Cyclic Snake Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computer and Mathematical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 6 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 625 to 630
Geodetic Decomposition of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computer and Mathematical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 7 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 829 to 833
Some Results On Heronian Mean Labeling of Arbitrary super subdivision of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Applied Science and Computations. | 2018 |
More Results on Super Heronian Mean Labeling.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Archive. | 2018 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 7 to 10
Some new results on Stolarsky – 3 Mean Labeling of graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Journal of Mathematics Research. | 2018 |
Super Stolarsky – 3 Mean Labeling of Quadrilateral snake graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
computational and applied Mathematics. | 2018 |
Double Geodetic Decomposition of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific Research and Review. | 2018 |
Connected Domination Path Decomposition Polynomial of Path and Cycle.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computer and Mathematical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 6 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 619 to 624
Some More results on Stolarsky -3 mean labelling of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. | 2018 |
Some Results On Super Heronian Mean Number of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics and its Applications. | 2018 |
Stolarsky – 3 Mean Labeling of some special Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Global Journal of Pure and applied Mathematics. | 2018 |
Stolarsky – 3 Mean Labeling of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Applied Sciences and computations. | 2018 | Issue No: 9 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 59 to 66
Connected Domination Decomposition of Helm Graph.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific Research and Review. | 2018 |
Some new results on Super Heronian Mean Labeling of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2017 |
E. Ebin Raja Merly, A. M. Anto.
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (Special Issue - International Conference on Nanotechnology: The Fruition of Science-2017). | 2017 | Page: 56-57
Heronian Mean Labeling of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Forum. | 2017 |
Adjacent Vertex Sum Polynomial of Some Standard Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Research in Science. | 2017 | Volume No: 3 | Page: 1 to 2
Super Stolarsky 3-Mean labelling of Triangular snake graph.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA). | 2017 |
Heronian Mean Labeling of Double Triangular and Double Quadrilateral Snake Graph.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics and its Applications. | 2017 |
Heronian Mean Labeling of Disconnected Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
contemporary Mathematical sciences. | 2017 |
Degree Splitting of More Heronian Mean Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Pure and Applied Mathematics. | 2017 |
Some results on Heronian Mean Labeling of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Pacific Asian Journal of Mathematics. | 2017 |
Stolarsky – 3 Mean Labeling of triangular snake graph.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mat. Sci. & Engg. Appls. | 2017 |
On Super Heronian Mean Labeling of graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Asia Pacific . | 2017 |
Vertex Polynomial for the Degree Splitting Graph of Some Standard Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology. | 2017 |
Connected Domination Path Decomposition of Triangular Snake Graph.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Pure and Applied Mathematics. | 2017 |
Some more Results on Super Heronian Mean Labeling.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2016 |
Subdivision of Heronian Mean Labeling of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computational and Applied Mathematics. | 2016 |
Some new families of Heronian Mean graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences. | 2016 |
Even Star Decomposition of Complete and Bipartite Graph.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2016 |
Some more results on Heronian Mean Labeling of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Advanced Material Sciences. | 2016 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 7 |
Super Geometric Mean Number of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Theoretical and Applied Mathematical Sciences. | 2016 |
Heronian Mean Labeling of some more disconnected graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2016 |
Vertex Polynomial for the splitting graph of Snake .
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Multidisciplinary Researches. | 2016 |
More results on subdivision of Heronian Mean Labeling of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends and Technology. | 2016 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 36 |
Vertex Polynomial for the splitting graph of Comb and Crown.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research. | 2016 | Issue No: 10 | Volume No: 4 | Page: 53 to 55
Degree Splitting of Heronian Mean Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2016 |
Some more results on Heronian Mean Labeling of Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Advanced Material Sciences. | 2016 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 7 |
On Vertex Polynomial of Comb and Crown.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Advanced and Innovative Research. | 2016 |
On Vertex Polynomial of Snake Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Advanced and Innovative Research. | 2016 |
The Total Restrained Edge Monophonic Number of a Grap.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences. | 2016 |
New Classes of Super Geometric Mean Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography. | 2016 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 19 | Page: 117 to 140
Some new classes of Heronian mean graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
scientific and Innovative mathematical Research. | 2016 |
Geometric Decomposition of Complete Tripartite Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Research Foundation. | 2016 |
Heronian Mean Labeling of Triple Triangular and Triple Quadrilateral Snake Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Applied Mathematical Sciences. | 2016 |
Adjacent vertex sum polynomial for the splitting graph of Factographs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics and its Applications. | 2016 | Issue No: 11 | Volume No: 2 | Page: 25 to 29
Some New Classes of Super Geometric Mean Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Asia Pacific . | 2016 |
Geometric Decomposition of Spider Tree.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Science and Researc. | 2016 |
Degree Sequence and Clique number of Bi- Factograph and Tri-Factograph.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends and Technology. | 2015 |
Super Geometric Mean Labeling.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Combinatorics Information and System Sciences. | 2015 |
Super Geometric Mean Labeling of Some Disconnected Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2015 |
Super Geometric Mean Labeling.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Combinatorics Information and System Sciences. | 2015 |
Subdivision of Super Geometric Mean Labeling For Some More Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical and Computational Science. | 2015 |
Subdivision of Super Geometric Mean Labeling For Some More Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical and Computational Science. | 2015 |
Super Geometric Mean Labeling.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Combinatorics Information and System Sciences. | 2015 |
Super Geometric Mean Labeling On Double Triangular Snakes.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends And Technology. | 2015 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 17 |
Super Geometric Mean Labeling of Some More Disconnected Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computational And Applied Mathematics. | 2015 |
Super Geometric Mean Labeling On Double Quadrilateral Snake Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Asia Pacific . | 2015 |
Some More Results on Super Geometric Mean Labeling.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Archive. | 2015 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 6 |
Subdivision of Super Geometric Mean Labeling For Some More Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical and Computational Science. | 2015 |
On Integral Perfect Factograph and Integral Bi-Factograph.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Archives. | 2015 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 6 |
k- Super Geometric Mean Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Sciences International Research . | 2015 |
Subdivision of Super Geometric Mean Labeling For Triangular Snake Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
International Journal of Mathematical Archive. | 2015 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 6 |
Subdivision of Super Geometric Mean Labeling For Quadrilateral Snake Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends And Technology. | 2015 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 24 |
Super Geometric Mean Labeling.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Combinatorics Information and System Sciences. | 2015 |
Subdivision of Super Geometric Mean Labeling For Quadrilateral Snake Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends And Technology. | 2015 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 6 |
Adjacent Vertex Sum Polynomial of Factographs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Research in Mathematical Archives. | 2014 |
Some Results on Super Geometric Mean Labeling.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2014 |
Arithmetic Odd Decomposition Of H-lobste.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Multidisciplinary. | 2013 |
Arithmetic Odd Decomposition Of Spider Tre.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Current Engineering And Maths. | 2013 |
Arithmetic ODD Decomposition of Extended Lobster.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Sciences: Theory and Practical. | 2012 |
Linear Star Decomposition of Lobster.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences. | 2012 |
On Arithmetic Odd Cycle Decomposition.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics. | 2012 |
Linear Path Decomposition of Lobster.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2011 |
Dr.T.Shyla Isaac Mary
M.Sc., M.Phil., PGDCA., Ph.D
Associate Professor
Papers Published : National
Some Polynomials of Step Ladder Graph.
Dr.T.Shyla Isaac Mary.
Journal of SRF - 2021. | 2021 | Page: 500-506
Perfect Dominating Sets and Perfect Dominating Polynomial of a Pan Graph.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Critical Reviews. | 2020 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 7 | Page: 909 to 913
On (gg)* Separation Axioms.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science, . | 2020 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 1 to 5
On αws-Connected Space in Topological Spaces..
Dr.T.Shyla Isaac Mary.
Journal of shanghai Jiaotrong University. | 2020 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 16 | Page: 538-543
On Contra Alpha Weakly Semi Continuous function in Topological Spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Infokara Research Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 7 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 112 to 118
Functions in Topological Spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Information and Computational Science. | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 1486 to 1498
Adjacent vertex sum polynomial of ladder graphs. .
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis. | 2020 | Issue No: 5 | Volume No: 12 |
Impact Factor: 6.3
On Alpha Weakly Semi Homeomorphism in Topological Spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Information and Computational Sciences. | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 1539-1546
(gg)* -Continuous Functions in Topological spaces.
Dr.T.Shyla Isaac Mary.
Journal of Information and Computational Science. | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 1486-1490
On Alpha Weakly Semi Separation Axioms in Topological Spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Adalya Journal. | 2019 | Issue No: 12 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 577 to 590
SαRPS -separation axioms in Topological Spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Global Research in Mathematical Archives. | 2017 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 4 | Page: 1 to 7
Pairwise SαRPS-Tk spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Research in science. | 2017 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 3 | Page: 3 to 7
Papers Published : International
On Alpha Weakly Semi Connected Space in Topological Spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University. | 2020 | Page: 538 to 544
Adjacent vertex sum polynomial of ladder graphs.
Dr.T.Shyla Isaac Mary.
International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis. | 2020 | Issue No: 5 | Volume No: 12 | Page: 1015-1020
Impact Factor: 1
Perfect dominating Sets and Perfect domination polynomial of a Star Graph.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2020 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 1751 to 1755
Edge Trimagic Graceful Labeling of Some Snake Graphs.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Scientific Research and Review. | 2019 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 280 to 283,
Impact Factor: 6.1
Perfect Dominating Sets and Perfect Dominating Polynomial of a Cycle.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Advances In Mathematics: Scientific Journal . | 2019 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 538 to 543
Impact Factor: 1.372
On (gg)*- Homeomorphisms in Topological Spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Adalya Journal. | 2019 | Issue No: 11 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 682 – 687
Edge Trimagic Graceful Labeling of Some Disconnected Graphs.
Dr.T.Shyla Isaac Mary.
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. | 2019 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 6 | Page: 662-667
Vertex polynomial of ladder graphs.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Infokara Research. | 2019 | Issue No: 11 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 169 to 176
Edge Trimagic Graceful Labeling of Some Ladder Family Graphs.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Adalya Journal. | 2019 | Issue No: 12 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 243 – 248
Perfect Dominating Sets and Perfect Dominating Polynomial of a Path.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. | 2019 | Issue No: 16 | Volume No: 28 | Page: 1228-1236
Impact Factor: 0.410
Edge Trimagice Labelling of some Graphs.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of mathematical Archive. | 2018 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 11 to 19
Impact Factor: 5.09
Super Edge Trimagic Graceful Labeling of Some Graphs.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Scientific Research and Review. | 2018 |
Edge Trimagic graceful labeling of graphs. .
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Mathematical Archive. | 2018 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 11 to 19
Alpha Weakly Semiclosed Sets in Topological Spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical & Statistical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 233 to 242,
Impact Factor: 1.021
On (gg)* - Closed sets in topological Spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical & Statistical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 410-418
Impact Factor: 1.021
p-Separation axioma where p=(p,q,Q). .
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Science, Environment and Technology. | 2016 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 2232 to 2238
Semi alpha-Regular Pre-Semi-Continuous & Semi alpha regular pre-semi Irresolute Functions.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Asian Journal of Mathematics & Computer Research. | 2016 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 223-238.
SaRPS-closed Maps and SaRPS-open Maps in Topological Spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Advanced & Innovative Research. | 2016 | Volume No: 54 | Page: 45 to 48
The role of p-sets in Topology.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Applied Computational Science & Mathematics . | 2016 | Volume No: 6 | Page: 1 to 10
On semi alpha regular pre-semi closed sets in Bitopological spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Mathematics and its applications. | 2016 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 4 | Page: 27 to 35.
On Contra semi alpha-rps continuous functions in topological spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Indian Journal of Research Foundation. | 2016 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 27 to 33
On Semi alpha regular pre-semi open sets in Topological spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Advances in Applied Mathematical Analysis. | 2015 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 19 to 30
The Role of Q sets in Topology.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences. | 2015 | Issue No: 12 | Volume No: 4 | Page: 2347 to 8527
On semi alpha regular pre-semi closed sets in Topological space.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Mathematical Archive. | 2015 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 6 | Page: 1 to 9
Rps homeomorphisms in topological spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Asian journal of Current Engineering and Maths. | 2014 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 2 | Page: 74 to 76
On Rps-connected spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Engineering research and Applications. | 2012 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 2 | Page: 768 to 772
Contra Rps-continuous functions.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Asian Journal of Current Engineering and Maths. | 2012 | Page: 219-221
On regular pre-semi open sets in Topological spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of General Topology. | 2011 | Volume No: 4 | Page: 17-26
On Rps-separation axioms.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Modern Engineering Research. | 2011 | Volume No: 1 | Page: 683-689
On rps-continuous and rps-irresolute functions.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
Journal of Mathematical Archieve. | 2011 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 2 | Page: 159 – 162
On Regular Pre-Semi closed Sets in Topological spaces.
Dr. T. Shyla Isac Mary.
KBM Journal of Mathematical sciences and Computer . | 2010 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 1 | Page: 9-17
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Papers Published : National
4-Quotient Square Sum E-Cordial Labeling for some Simple Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis. | 2022 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 12 | Page: 1514 to 1517
Hamiltonian fuzzy labeling and Hamiltonian fuzzy magic labeling of graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2021 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 782-788
Topological Cordial Labeling of Some Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2021 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 861 to 863
Bitopological Star Labeling Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Adalya Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 657 to 667
Bitopological Star Labeling Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Adalya Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 657 to 667
On Topological Cordial Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Science and Technology. | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 25 to 28
Power of 2 Decomposition of Some Trees and a Spider Tree..
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Information and Computational Science. | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 394 to 401
Double Power of 2 Decomposition [DPo2D] of Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology . | 2020 | Issue No: 9 | Volume No: 66 | Page: 122 to 131
Double Arithmetic Odd Decomposition [DAOD] of Graphs. .
Dr. S. Asha.
Xidian University. | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 14 | Page: 787 to 795
Impact Factor: 5.4
Odd Triangular Graceful labeling on simple Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2020 | Page: 1574- 1576
Triangular Number Decomposition of Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Aegaeum Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 9 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 963 to 975
Hamiltonian Fuzzy Cycles and Hamiltonian Fuzzy Paths in Some Fuzzy Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Infokara Research. | 2019 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 97 to 110
Double Arithmetic Odd Decomposition [DAOD] of Some Complete 4 - Partite Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering . | 2019 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 3902 to 3907
Double Arithmetic Odd Decomposition [DAOD] of Some Complete 4 - Partite Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering . | 2019 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 3902 to 3907
Hamiltonian Fuzzy Cycles and Hamiltonian Fuzzy Paths in Some Fuzzy Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Infokara Research. | 2019 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 97 to 110
Hamiltonian Fuzzy Cycles and Hamiltonian Fuzzy Paths in Some Fuzzy Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Infokara Research. | 2019 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 97 to 110
Hamiltonian Fuzzy Cycles and Hamiltonian Fuzzy Paths in Some Fuzzy Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Infokara Research. | 2019 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 97 to 110
On sequential Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. Section E-Math’s & Statistics. | 2018 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 37 | Page: 54 to 62
Hamiltonian Decomposition of Special Class of Ladder Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha .
International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 5 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 114-120
Hamiltonian Decomposition of Wheel Related Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Scientific Research and Review. | 2018 | Issue No: 11 | Volume No: 7 | Page: 338-345
OddTriangular Graceful labeling on simple Graphs .
Dr. S. Asha .
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2017 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 619-624
Papers Published : International
Fibonacci Decomposition of Some Class of Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Scientific Research and Review. | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 41 to 47
Arithmetic Odd Decomposition [AOD] of Some Class of Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Applied Engineering Research . | 2020 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 14 | Page: 63 to 67
Continuous Monotonic Cube Decomposition of Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Infokara Research. | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 141 to 150
Continuous Monotonic Square Decomposition of Some Class of Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Adalya Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 746 to 760
Power of 2 Decomposition of a Complete Tripartite Graph K2,4,m and a Special Butterfly Graph. .
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology . | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 3973 to 3976
Double Power of 2 Decomposition [DPo2D] of Some Trees.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development. | 2020 | Issue No: 5 | Volume No: 3 | Page: 290 to 293
Bitopological Labeling on Simple Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Scientific Research and Review. | 2019 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 50-61
Hamiltonian cycle and Hamiltonian path Decomposition of Fan Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Science. | 2019 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 6 | Page: 207 to 211
The (A,D) - Ascending Subgraph Decomposition of Cartesian Product of some Simple Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology. | 2015 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 21 | Page: 52 to 57
Dr. S. Asha.
Continuous Monotonic Decomposition of Some Special Class of Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Math. Analysis. | 2010 | Issue No: 51 | Volume No: 4 | Page: 2535 to 2546
Continuous Monotonic Cube Decomposition of Coconut Tree Graph CTm.
Dr. S. Asha .
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM). | 2008 | Issue No: 10 | Volume No: 2 | Page: 139-142
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., (PGDCA)
Assistant Professor
Papers Published : National
PD near mean cordial labeling of some disconnected graph.
Sambodhi(UGC care journal). | 2021 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 44 | Page: 110-113
PD mean cordial labeling of Graphs of some disconnected graphs.
V. I. Brindha Devi, S. Kavitha & Dr. D. Nidha.
Sambodhi(UGC care journal). | 2021 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 6 | Page: 2838-2842
The open detour monophonic of join and corona product of graphs.
K.krishna Kumari, S. Kavitha & Dr. D. Nidha.
Sambodhi(UGC care journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 43 | Page: 88-92
Papers Published : International
On the upper open detour monophonic number of a graph.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2021 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 765-769
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Papers Published : National
Journal of SRF - 2021. | 2021 | Page: 1-8
Design Engineering. | 2021 | Issue No: 9 | Page: 15049-15059
Proceedings of Recent Trends in pure and applied Mathematics. | 2020 | Page: 1-5
Proceedings of Recent Trends in pure and applied Mathematics. | 2020 | Page: 265-270
Papers Published : International
Dr.Linta K. Wilson
M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Papers Published : National
Dr.Linta K. Wilson.
Proceedings of Recent Trends in pure and applied Mathematics. | 2020 | Page: 145-150
Papers Published : International
Zumkeller labeling of some path related graphs.
Dr.Linta K. Wilson.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2021 | Issue No: 9 | Volume No: 1 | Page: 519-523
Studies on some Wheel Related Zumkeller graphs.
Dr.Linta K. Wilson.
Proceedings of Recent advancements in Mathematics. | 2021 | Page: 60-64
Prime labeling of torch graph.
Dr.Linta K. Wilson.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2021 | Issue No: 9 | Volume No: 1 | Page: 890-895
Studies on some Wheel Related Zumkeller graphs.
Dr.Linta K. Wilson.
Proceedings of Recent advancements in Mathematics. | 2021 | Page: 60-64
On Arithmetic Graphs.
Dr.Linta K.Wilson.
Math. Sci. Engg. Appls.. | 2015 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 187 to 196
On Prime Graphs.
Dr.Linta K.Wilson.
Advanced and Innovative Research. | 2014 |
M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Papers Published : National
Lucas Path Decomposition of Quadrilateral snake Graph.
Journal of Xidian University. | 2020 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 14 | Page: 71-74
Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 11 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 9951-9957
Papers Published : International
Arithmetic geometric decomposition of some graphs.
Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science. | 2020 | Issue No: 6 | Page: 3101-3108
Geometric Path Decomposition of Graphs.
Dr. S. Freeda.
Mathematics and Computer Science. | 2020 | Page: 101 to 106
Lucas path Decomposition of Quadrilateral Snake Graph.
Dr. S. Freeda.
Journal of Xidian University. | 2020 | Page: 71 to 74
Geometric Path Decomposition of graphs.
International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science. | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 15 | Page: 101-106
Arithmetic Geometric Star Decomposition of Graphs.
Dr. S. Freeda.
Advanced Science and Technology. | 2020 | Page: 5781-5783
Arithmetic Geometric Decomposition of Some Graphs.
Dr. S. Freeda.
Adalya Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 25 to 29
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