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Research Centre > English
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Papers Published : National
Taliban Tyranny with Harsh Rules: A Bird’s Eye View into Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. .
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
_The Journal of Indian Arts History Congress. | 2021 | Page: 234-238
A Study Of Bacha Posh As Reflected In Debora Ellis’s The Breadwinner Trilogy .
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
The Journal Of Oriental Research Madras. | 2021 | Volume No: XCII-XXII | Page: 53-56
Renewal of Feminine Note in Bharati Mukherjee’s novel Jasmine .
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
SAMBODHI. | 2021 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 44 | Page: 82-86
Ferocity Against Girls in Afghanistan: Investigating Deborah Ellis’s The Breadwinner Trilogy .
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
CLIO An Annual Interdisciplinary Journal of History. | 2020 | Issue No: 6 | Volume No: 6 | Page: 354-359
Repression of the Afghan Women by Patriarchal Forces in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. .
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
Social Consciousness in Literature. | 2020 | Page: 52-57
Gender Segregation and the Politics of Identity Crisis in Jenny Nordberg’s The Underground Girls of Kabul: The Hidden Lives of Afghan girls Disguised as Boys. .
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
PURAKALA . | 2020 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 31 | Page: 1102-1106
Explication of Diasporic Facets in the works of Khaled Hosseini. .
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
Proceedings of the National Conference on English Language, Culture and Literature. | 2019 | Page: 177-181
Representing the Unrepresented: Caste, Class, Gender Oppression in Kavalam Narayana Panikkar’s play Karimkutty .
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
Proceedings of the National Conference on English Language, Culture and Literature. | 2019 | Page: 56-59
An Overview of M.G. Ramachandran, a persona grata of Tamil Nadu..
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
TNSCHE National Seminar Proceedings. | 2018 | Page: 135-137
Mapping the Black Culture in Alice Walker’s The Temple of My Familiar.
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
The Journal for English Language and Literary studies. | 2013 | Page: 9-15
Papers Published : International
Dr. S. Angelin Sheeja.
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECS) . | 2022 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 14 | Page: 512-516
Impact Factor: 5.71
Bacha Posh, A Female Composition of Afghanistan: Reading of Nadia Hashimi’s The Pearl That Broke Its Shell and One Half From the East.
Dr. S. Angelin Sheeja.
NeuroQuantology|. | 2022 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 20 | Page: 713-716
Impact Factor: 1.00
Bacha Posh, A Female Composition Of Afghanistan: Rereading Of Nadia Hashimi’s The Pearl That Broke Its Shell And One Half From The East.
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
International Journal of Humanities, Law and Social Sciences, Kanpur Philosophers. | 2021 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 37-41
Revisiting the Past: A Study of Shyam Selvadurai’s Funny Boy .
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
Proceedings of the Kanniyakumari Academy of Arts and Science[KAAS] 3rd International Conference. | 2018 | Volume No: 1 | Page: 320-323
Whimper of a Peripheral Queer in Shyam Selvadurai’s Swimming in the Monsoon Sea .
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal . | 2018 | Issue No: Special Issue | Volume No: 8 | Page: 26-30
Tortured Womanhood: A Reading of Alice Walker’s Possessing the Secret of Joy..
Dr.S.Angelin Sheeja.
Research Papers: First International Conference of KAAS- 2008.. | 2008 | Volume No: 1 | Page: 103-105
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Papers Published : National
Papers Published : International
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Papers Published : National
Papers Published : International
Dr.G.Anne Nithya
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Papers Published : National
Papers Published : International
Dr.P.V.Annie Gladys
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D
Assistant Professor
Papers Published : National
Papers Published : International
A Discourse on Eco-consciousness in C.S. Lewis’s Perelandra.
Annie Gladys PV.
Research Journal of English Language and Literature . | 2013 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 1 | Page: 85 to 88
The Danger Lurking Within: The African American Woman in Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye.
Annie Gladys PV.
Language in India. | 2010 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 206 to 212
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  • principal@nmcc.ac.in,