Staff Profile
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
( Aided Stream)
Personal Details
Designation : Assistant Professor
Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D
Date of Appointment : 07/07/2014
Mobile : 9442829229
Email :
Address : Anugraha Garden, Kalparapotta, Kollemcode Post, Kanniyakumari Dt, Pin 629160, Tamilnadu
Area of Interest:
Teaching :
Research : Graph Theory
Countries Visited :
Google scholar :
Web Of Science :
Scopus :
Research Gate :
Research ID :
Academic Qualification
CourseSubjectYearName of InstitutionBoard/University% of Marks/CGPA
Ph.D Mathematics 2012 MS University MS University 0.00
M.Phil Mathematics 2006 MS University MS University 0.00
PG Mathematics 2004 NMCC Marthandam MS University 88.80
UG Mathematics 2002 Women's Christian College Nagercoil MS University 90.45
HSC Maths Biology 1999 LMS(G) HSS - Marthandam Board of Higher Secondary Education, Tamilnadu 80.75
SSLC 1997 Amala Convent HS Thuckalay Board of Secondary Education, Tamilnadu 83.60
Details of qualifying test
Research Work done
Ph.D Thesis Title : A Study on Graph Decompositions
M.Phil Thesis Title : Banach Algebra Techniques in Operator Theory
Professional Experience
Experience in NMCC:
Assistant Professor 2012 present Aided
Assistant Professor 2006 2012 Self Finance
Experience in other Institutions:
Assistant Professor 2005 2006 Scott Christian College Nagercoil
Research Experience : 7 Years
Papers Published : National
4-Quotient Square Sum E-Cordial Labeling for some Simple Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of analytical and experimental modal analysis. | 2022 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 12 | Page: 1514 to 1517
Hamiltonian fuzzy labeling and Hamiltonian fuzzy magic labeling of graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2021 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 782-788
Topological Cordial Labeling of Some Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2021 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 861 to 863
Double Arithmetic Odd Decomposition [DAOD] of Graphs. .
Dr. S. Asha.
Xidian University. | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 14 | Page: 787 to 795
Impact Factor: 5.4
Power of 2 Decomposition of Some Trees and a Spider Tree..
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Information and Computational Science. | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 394 to 401
Double Power of 2 Decomposition [DPo2D] of Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology . | 2020 | Issue No: 9 | Volume No: 66 | Page: 122 to 131
Bitopological Star Labeling Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Adalya Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 657 to 667
On Topological Cordial Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Science and Technology. | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 25 to 28
Bitopological Star Labeling Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Adalya Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 657 to 667
Triangular Number Decomposition of Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Aegaeum Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 9 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 963 to 975
Odd Triangular Graceful labeling on simple Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2020 | Page: 1574- 1576
Hamiltonian Fuzzy Cycles and Hamiltonian Fuzzy Paths in Some Fuzzy Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Infokara Research. | 2019 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 97 to 110
Hamiltonian Fuzzy Cycles and Hamiltonian Fuzzy Paths in Some Fuzzy Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Infokara Research. | 2019 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 97 to 110
Double Arithmetic Odd Decomposition [DAOD] of Some Complete 4 - Partite Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering . | 2019 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 3902 to 3907
Hamiltonian Fuzzy Cycles and Hamiltonian Fuzzy Paths in Some Fuzzy Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Infokara Research. | 2019 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 97 to 110
Double Arithmetic Odd Decomposition [DAOD] of Some Complete 4 - Partite Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering . | 2019 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 3902 to 3907
Hamiltonian Fuzzy Cycles and Hamiltonian Fuzzy Paths in Some Fuzzy Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Infokara Research. | 2019 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 97 to 110
Hamiltonian Decomposition of Special Class of Ladder Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha .
International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 5 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 114-120
Hamiltonian Decomposition of Wheel Related Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Scientific Research and Review. | 2018 | Issue No: 11 | Volume No: 7 | Page: 338-345
On sequential Graphs.
Dr. S. Asha.
Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences. Section E-Math’s & Statistics. | 2018 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 37 | Page: 54 to 62
OddTriangular Graceful labeling on simple Graphs .
Dr. S. Asha .
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2017 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 619-624
Papers Published : International
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology . | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 3973 to 3976
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Applied Engineering Research . | 2020 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 14 | Page: 63 to 67
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Scientific Research and Review. | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 41 to 47
Dr. S. Asha.
Infokara Research. | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 141 to 150
Dr. S. Asha.
Adalya Journal. | 2020 | Issue No: 3 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 746 to 760
Impact Factor: 5.3
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development. | 2020 | Issue No: 5 | Volume No: 3 | Page: 290 to 293
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Scientific Research and Review. | 2019 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 50-61
Dr. S. Asha.
International Journal of Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Science. | 2019 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 6 | Page: 207 to 211
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology. | 2015 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 21 | Page: 52 to 57
Dr. S. Asha.
Dr. S. Asha.
Journal of Math. Analysis. | 2010 | Issue No: 51 | Volume No: 4 | Page: 2535 to 2546
Dr. S. Asha .
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM). | 2008 | Issue No: 10 | Volume No: 2 | Page: 139-142
Impact Factor: 7.429
Papers Presented : International
Dr. S. ASHA "Mean 4-Square Sum E-Cordial Labeling of Some Simple Graphs" , on Current Scenario in Modern Mathematics , organised by Aditanar College of Arts and Science, Tiruchendur, on 04-02-2022
Dr. S. ASHA "Hamiltonian cycle and Hamiltonian path Decomposition" , New Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics, organised by Kerala University CONTINUOUS MONOTONISIMPLE GRAPHS , on 22-01-2019
Dr. S. ASHA "Arithmetic Odd Decomposition of Some Class of Graphs" , New Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics, organised by Kerala University, on 22-01-2019
Invited Lecture / Guest Lecture
Resource Person
Resource person in the "National Science day conducted by Dept. of Mathematics" , held at Nanjil Catholic College of Arts & Science, on 28-02-2019.
Programmes Attended
Participated in the Conference on "Mathematical Techniques and Applications (e-ICMTA -2021)" , organised by Department of Mathematics, College of Engineering and Technology SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chengalpattu District, on 24.03.2021.
Participated in the Conference on "Strategies & Challenges in Higher Education during COVID-19 Lockdown Period in India with reference to the World" , organised by Government Vidarbha Institute of Science & Humanities, Amravati, India, on 15.05.2020.
Participated in the Conference on "KAAS" , organised by NMCC Marthandam, on 28.09.2018.
Participated in the Conference on "Discrete & Computational Mathematics" , organised by University of Kerala, Kariavattom, on 11.01.2018.
Participated in the Conference on "Research in Present Scenario" , NMCC Marthandam, organised by Nesamony Research Forum,, on 27.01.2017.
Participated in the Conference on "Recent Trends in Mathematical Modelling" , organised by PG Department of Mathematics, Rani Anna Government College for Women, Tirunelveli, on 12.02.2016.
Participated in the Conference on "Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science" , organised by St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, on 24.01.2013 .
Participated in the Conference on "Recent Trends in Graph Theory and Applications" , organised by St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, on 24.02.2011.
Participated in the Conference on "Recent Trends in Discrete Mathematics" , sponsored by UGC, organised by Nazareth Margoschis College at Pillaiyanmanai, Nazareth, on 09.12.2010.
Participated in the Seminar on "Applications of Algebra and Set Theory" , organised by Research Department of Mathematics, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam, on 12.03.2020.
Participated in the Seminar on "Linear Algebra and its Applications" , organised by Department of Mathematics, Government. College, Mokeri, on 23.10.2019.
Participated in the Seminar on "Recent Trends in Applicable Mathematics" , organised by Nanjil Catholic College of Arts and Science, on 20.02.2019.
Participated in the Seminar on "Lifestyle Diseases" , organised by Department of Zoology, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam, on 15.02.2019.
Participated in the Seminar on "Graph Theory" , organised by Research Department of Mathematics, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam, on 14.04.2018.
Participated in the Seminar on "Digital India" , organised by Department of Commerce and Research Centre, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam, on 24.03.2017.
Participated in the Seminar on "Emerging trends in graph connections " , organised by Department of Mathematics, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, on 08.01.2014.
Participated in the Seminar on "Graph Connections and Decomposition" , organised by Department of Mathematics, Holy Cross College (Autonomous) Nagercoil, on 06.09.2013.
Participated in the Seminar on "Research Awareness Programme" , sponsored by DST & TNSCST , organised by Entomology Research Unit, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, on 09.03.2012.
Participated in the Seminar on "Recent Developments in Mathematics" , organised by Department of Mathematics, S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil, on 22.12.2011.
Participated in the Seminar on "Mathematical Modelling through Graph & Channel Assignment Problem" , organised by Department of Mathematics, Lekshmipuram College of Arts & Science, Neyyoor, on 10.02.2011.
Participated in the Seminar on "Applicable Mathematics" , organised by Department of Mathematics,Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, on 20.03.2010.
Participated in the Seminar on "New Trends in Analysis" , organised by Department of Mathematics, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam, on 27.03.2008.
Participated in the Seminar on "Abstract and Discrete Mathematics" , organised by Department of Mathematics, Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, on 15.03.2008.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP on NAAC Revised Guideliness: A para digm shift in quality initiatives for Criterion I - Curricular Aspects" , organised by Career College, Govindpura, Bhopal, on 26.07.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "Five days National Level Virtual Faculty Development Programme on Graph Theory" , organised by Department of Science & IQAC, Christ College, of Science and Management, Karnataka, on 29.06.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "Two weeks Online Faculty Development Programme on Pedagogy and Research Methods" , organised by Human Resource Development Centre and Internal Quality Assurance Cell, AMET, on 24.05.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "NAAC Revised Guidelines: A paradigm shift in quality initiatives’ for Criterion I- Curricular Aspects " , organised by Career College, Govindpura, Bhopal, on 26.07.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "Current Trends in Biostatistics" , organised by Department of Zoology & Research Centre & IQAC, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam, on 29.06.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "Training program in Adaptive Design for Learning: Professional Certificate Course" , organised by Ateneo Salt Institute, United Board United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, on September to December 2021.
Attended the Workshop on "One Week Pedagogical Training for Teachers on Tools for Online Teaching Learning and Evaluation" , organised by School of Mathematical Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, on 01.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Five Days International Online on Mind Buzz on PC" , organised by PG & Research Department of Computer Science , Idhaya College for Women, Kumbakonam, on 22.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "National level Online Short Term Course (STC) in E-Content Development" , organised by Holy Cross College (Autonomous), Nagercoil, on 01.07.2021 .
Attended the Workshop on "Recent Trends in Domination and Graph Labelling (RTDGL 2021)" , organised by Department of Mathematics, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Academy of Discrete Mathematics and Applications (ADMA), on 27.05.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "3D VISUALIZATION OF CORONA PROTEINS USING BIOINFORMATICS TOOLS" , organised by Kalpavriksha Life Science Solutions, on 18.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "ICT Course" , organised by Tamil Nadu Digital Team, on 18.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Empowering Teaching through Online Mode (JNU-WETOM IV) on the theme ‘Going Online: Classroom, Field Work & Research’" , organised by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, on 11.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Understanding OBS Studio & Streamyard for E-Content Creation and Live Streaming" , organised by Faculty of Humanities and Science, Adayalampattu Phase -II campus, on 10.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Google Apps for Education & Moodle" , organised by IQAC & Department of Commerce, Rajaram College, Kolhapur, on 02.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "SKILL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH MATHEMATICS" , organised by Department of Mathematics, St. Aloysius Institute of Technology, Gauraiyaghat, on 22.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "ONE WEEK FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM on Development of Teacher's e-kit and MOOCs in Four Quadrant Format of e-Content" , organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, S.G.T.B. Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) of MHRD., on 12.09.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Two days International Faculty Development Programme on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications" , organised by Department of Mathematics, St. Joseph’s College of Engineering, Chennai, on 08.08.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "2-Week Faculty Development Programme on MANAGING ONLINE CLASSES AND CO-CREATING MOOCS 3.0" , organised by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, on 25.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "TWO DAY ONLINE INTERNATIONAL FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME ON RECENT TRENDS IN GRAPHS AND NETWORKS" , organised by Post Graduate and Research Department of Mathematics jointly with Internal Quality Assurance Cell, The Madurai Diraviyam Thayumanavar Hindu College, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, on 30.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "National Level Two days Faculty Development Programme on Fuzzy and it's Applications" , organised by Department of Mathematics in association with Internal Quality Assurance Cell, The Quaide Milleth College for Men, Medavakkam, Chennai, on 21.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Five Days Faculty Development Programme (FDP), in online mode, on Academic Enhancement Through Quality Research" , organised by Department of Management Studies, BSAITM, Faridabad, on 15.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Online Faculty Development Programme on Appraisal of Mathematical Learning Outcomes in Cybergogy Environment" , organised by Department of Mathematics, ARUL ANANDAR COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), Madurai, on 15.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "International Online five days Faculty Development Programme on ICT Tools for effective Teaching" , organised by Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, on 22.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "ONLINE-FDP on 7 QC TOOLS for Educational Excellence" , organised by Quality Circle Forum of India Chennai Chapter, RAJALAKSHMI ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Chennai, on 22.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Online Faculty Development Programme on Interactive Online Teaching" , organised by IQAC-NMCC Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam, on 23.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "One week International Faculty Development Programme on Avant-garde Trends in Mathematics" , organised by Department of Mathematics, Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Tamil Nadu, on 17.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Seven days online International Faculty Development Programme on Contemporary issues, Assessment, Collaboration, Research and Publication" , organised by Faculty of Commerce & Research Studies, Swami Shukdevanand PG College, Shahjahanpur (UP), India & Faculty of Commerce & Management, Mohammad Ali Jauhar University, Rampur (UP) India, on 15.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "ONLINE-FDP on How Teachers can make a Difference" , organised by Teaching Learning Centre of IIT – MADRAS, on 15.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Five Days National Level Online Faculty Development Programme on TECHNIQUES IN ENHANCING TEACHING & LEARNING SKILLS" , organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Idhaya College for Women, Kumbakonam, on 15.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "One Week Faculty Development Programme on Open Source Tools for Research" , organised by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, on 08.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Online Three days Faculty Development Program on Emerging Trends in Data Analytics & Cyber Security" , organised by PG Department of Computer Science & Applications, ISLAMIAH WOMEN’S ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLEGE, VANIYAMBADI, TAMIL NADU, on 11.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Week Long Faculty Development Programme on NAAC Assessment & Accreditation (A&A) for Affiliated Colleges" , organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Vinayakrao Patil Mahavidyalaya, Vaijapur, on 08.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on I.C.T. Tools for Effective Teaching Learning" , organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Faculty of Humanities, Chintamani Mahavidyalaya,Ghugus., on 01.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "A Two-Day Faculty Development Programme on I.C.T. Teaching and Learning" , organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai, on 02.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "One Week Online Multi-Disciplinary Faculty Development Programme on MOOCs, E-Content Development and OER " , organised by Department of Collegiate Education, Government First Grade College, Hungund, Karnataka, on 28.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Two - Day e - Faculty Development Program on VIRTUAL TEACHING - Learning MOODLE the Efficient way" , organised by Faculty of Humanities and Science, Adayalampattu Phase - II Campus in association with The Institution of Engineers (India), Tiruvallur Local Centre, Dr.M.G.R EDUCATIONAL AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE, on 29.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "-Days Online Faculty Development Programme on Research Methods and Writing Skills in Mathematical Sciences" , organised by PG and Research Department of Mathematics, BON SECOURS COLLEGE FOR WOMEN, Thanjavur, on 25.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "One week Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Digi-Tech Teaching Learning-2020" , organised by SINHGAD INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, LONAVALA, on 18.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Emotional Intelligence" , organised by Department of Business Administration, Veltech Ranga Sanku Arts College, Avadi, Chennai, on 20.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "National Level Faculty Development Programme on E-Learning tools for effective teaching and learning" , organised by Nirmala Memorial Foundation College of Commerce & Science, in Collaboration with EdFly, on 16.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "One week online Faculty Development Program on OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION: A STEP TOWARDS EXCELLENCE" , organised by Government College of Engineering, Karad, on 11.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "A Two-Day Faculty Development Programme on New Normal- Pedagogical Tools for Online Teaching" , organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Fatima College (Autonomous), Madurai, on 11.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "National Level One Week Online Faculty Development Program on Latex" , organised by AISSMS College of Engineering, Bombay, on 28.04.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "One Week National Online Faculty Development Program on ICT Tools for Effective Teaching Learning" , organised by School of Mathematical Sciences, Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, on 27.04.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Faculty Development Programme on Managing Online Classes and Co-Creating MOOC's" , organised by Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, on 20.04.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Faculty Development Programme on 'ICT Tools for Effective Teaching Learning'" , organised by Swami Raman and Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, on 27.04.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Faculty Development Programme on 'ICT Tools for Effective Teaching Learning'" , organised by Swami Raman and Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded, on 27.04.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "ICT BASED TEACHING-LEARNING TOOLS" , organised by Inquire Hub (IH), Registered under the Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India, on 31.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Data Analysis using SPSS" , organised by Department of Mathematics, The American College, Madurai, on 28.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Empowering Teaching through Online Mode (JNU -WETOM I I )" , organised by Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, on 09.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "SMART Research” Phase – 1" , organised by IQAC & Government First Grade College, Kanakapura, on 07.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "College Teachers on Management of Environment and its Resources" , organised by Department of Chemistry & Research, Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam & Department of Chemistry & Research, St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli, on 28.04.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Research Based Pedagogical Tools" , sponsored by Department of Science and Technology (DBT), organised by Scott Christian College (Autonomous), Nagercoil, on 13.01.2020. pdf
Attended the Workshop on " LateX Training" , organised by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt., of India., on 04.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "LaTeX for Research Scholars and Teachers" , organised by Research Department of Mathematics, NMCC, Marthandam, on 20 &21 January 2017. pdf
Attended the Workshop on "LaTeX" , organised by Department of Mathematics, Noorul Islam University, Kumaracoil, on 25 & 26 October 2013. pdf
Teaching Experience
P.G. level : 19 Years
U.G. level : 19 Years
Subjects Taught
ODD Semester
CourseSubjectYearSemesterName of the Paper
Even Semester
CourseSubjectYearSemesterName of the Paper
M.Sc Mathematics (A) WMAP41 II 4 PROJECT
Approved Guideship
2016 Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
Ph.D Guidance
1. Jefry SP ( Reg.No. : 21213112092009 ), "Edge Dominating Sets and Edge Domination Polynomials in graphs" , 2022, Full Time, OnGoing.
2. Jeena RV ( Reg.No. : 21113112092015 ), "Restrained Non-Split Geodetic Domination of Graphs" , 2021, Full Time, OnGoing.
3. Akshaya V ( Reg.No. : 21113112092014 ), "Graceful Labeling of Figurate numbers on Graphs and Prime Graceful Labelings" , 2021, Full Time, OnGoing.
4. Cherin Monish Femila LT ( Reg.No. : 12604 ), "A Study On Hamiltonian Decom+Ition Of Some Special Graphs And Fuzzy Graphs" , 2017, Full Time, OnGoing.
5. Kani C ( Reg.No. : 12605 ), "A Study On Various Distance Related Parameters In Graphs" , 2017, Part Time, OnGoing.
6. Selestin Lina S ( Reg.No. : 12608 ), "Graph Theory – A Study On Graceful Graphs And Topological Graceful Graphs" , 2017, Part Time, OnGoing.
7. Smilin Shali ( Reg.No. : 12609 ), "A Study On Parity Decom+Ition Of Some Class Of Graphs" , 2017, Part Time, OnGoing.
M.Phil Project Guided
1. FEBA BROWN S N ( Reg.No. : 20203113545102 ), "A STUDY ON CORDIAL LABELING OF SOME GRAPHS" , Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 2021.
2. JINISHA R ( Reg.No. : 20193113545109 ), "A STUDY ON MEAN CORDIAL LABELING OF GRAPHS" , Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 2020.
3. DELEESA BABU ( Reg.No. : 20193113545106 ), "ORDER DIVISOR GRAPHS OF FINITE GROUPS" , Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 2020.
4. ASWASTHY J S ( Reg.No. : 20183113545203 ), "A STUDY ON ANTI-MAGIC LABELING OF GRAPHS" , Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 2019.
5. JAYA LAKSHMI R ( Reg.No. : 20173113545206 ), "A STUDY ON LUCKY LABELING OF GRAPHS" , Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 2018.
6. NISHA T ( Reg.No. : 41012165 ), "A STUDY ON PRIME LABELING OF GRAPHS" , Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 2015.
7. AMILIN SHALI V G ( Reg.No. : 41012169 ), "A STUDY ON HOMOLOGICAL ALGEBRA" , Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, 2015.
Orientation / Refresher Courses attended
S.NoOrientation / RefresherTitle of programmeOrganiserPeriod
1 Orientation Multidisciplinary UGC-HRDC, M.K. University 26-05-2016 - 22-06-2016
2 Orientation One Day Orientation Programme for Research Supervisors of MS university IQAC & Centre for Research, MS University 01-11-2017 - 01-11-2017
3 Orientation One Day Orientation Programme on CSIR, UGC NET Examination Nesamony Memorial Christian College 26-08-2019 - 26-08-2019
4 Refresher Interdisciplinary - Managing Online Classes & Co- Creating MOOCS (Level 2) Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College University of Delhi 02-06-2021 - 16-06-2021
5 Refresher REFRESHER COURSE IN MATHEMATICS Department of Mathematics,Ramanujan College 16-03-2021 - 30-03-2021
6 Refresher Refresher UGC – Human Resource Development centre, university of Kerala 17-09-2019 - 30-09-2019
7 Refresher Mathematics UGC-HRDC, University of Kerala 03-12-2020 - 16-12-2020
8 Orientation Online Orientation Programme on “NAAC Assessment and Accreditation process” IQAC- Nesamony Memorial Christian College 19-08-2022 - 22-08-2022
9 Refresher Refresher Bharathidasan University 13-07-2018 - 02-08-2018
10 Refresher Refresher Course in Mathematics & Statistics UGC-HRDC - Bharathidasan University 25-11-2020 - 08-12-2020
Programmes Organised
Professional Committees / Boards
1. Served as Member, Question Paper Setter from the academic year 2018
2. Served as Member, Question Paper Setter from the academic year 2020
Responsibilities held
College level
Member for Graduation Committee in 2020-2021
Member for Graduation Committee in 2021-2022
Member for Nesamony Research Forum in 2019-2020
Member for Graduation Committee in 2019-2020
Member for Nesamony Research Forum in 2022-2023
Member for Graduation Committee in 2022-2023
Member for Nesamony Research Forum in 2020-2021
  • Marthandam,
    Kanyakumari District,
  • 04651 - 270257