Staff Profile
Dr.E.Ebin Raja Merly
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematics
( Aided Stream)
Personal Details
Designation : Associate Professor
Educational Qualification : M.Sc., M.Phil., PGDCA., Ph.D
Date of Appointment : 01/07/2002
Mobile : 9443808564
Email :
Address : 15-56A, Emil Mansion, Kanjiracode-629155, K.K.Dt
Area of Interest:
Teaching : Algebra, Analysis, Programming Languages, Graph Th
Research : Graph Theory - Decomposition of Graphs
Countries Visited : Singapore, Malaysia, Kuwait
Google scholar :
Web Of Science :
Scopus :
Research Gate :
Research ID :
Details of qualifying test
Research Work done
Ph.D Thesis Title : A Study on Arithmetic Odd Decomposition in Graphs
M.Phil Thesis Title : Pairwise Almost Regular and Pairwise Almost Completely Regular Spaces
Professional Experience
Experience in other Institutions:
Assistant Professor 1996 1997 Sarah Tucker College Tirunelveli
Research Experience : 14 years
Books Published
Ebin Raja Merly ' Recent advances in Mathematical Research and Computer Science ' (2021) Pages. 8, BP International,
Ebin Raja Merly ' Current Topics on Mathematics and Computer Science ' (2021) Pages. 7, Book Publisher International,
Chapter in Books
E. Ebin Raja Merly. 2023 ' Even Path Decomposition of Cyclic Snake Graphs'. Publisher: BP International, London. ISBN: 978-81-19491-72-8
E. Ebin Raja Merly. 2021 ' Odd Star Decomposition of Lobster'. Publisher: Book Publisher International, London. ISBN: 978-93-5547-066-9
E. Ebin Raja Merly. 2021 ' Arithmetic Odd Star Decomposition of Graphs'. Publisher: Book Publisher International, London. ISBN: 978-93-91595-24-1
Papers Published : National
E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Eur.Chem.Bull. | 2023 | Issue No: Specialissue 8 | Volume No: 12 | Page: 6111-6120
Medium Domination Decomposition of Zig-Zag Triangle Graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Design Engineering (scopus). | 2021 |
Some Results on Super Heronian Mean Labeling of graphs.
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Contemporary Mathematical Sciences. | 2016 |
Papers Published : International
E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Eur.Chem.Bull. | 2023 | Issue No: Specialissue 8 | Volume No: 12 | Page: 6111-6120
Impact Factor: 3.71
E. Ebin Raja Merly, M. Mahiba.
South East Asian J. of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences. | 2022 | Volume No: 21 | Page: 137-152
Impact Factor: 0.12
E. Ebin Raja Merly, Praisy B.
Ratio Mathematica. | 2022 | Volume No: 44 | Page: 175-181
Impact Factor: 0.703
E. Ebin Raja Merly, M. Mahiba.
Kuwait Journal of Science. | 2022 | Issue No: 2A | Volume No: 50 |
E. Ebin Raja Merly, Saranya J.
Ratio Mathematica. | 2022 | Volume No: 44 |
Impact Factor: 0.703
E. Ebin Raja Merly, Praisy B.
Ratio Mathematica. | 2022 | Volume No: 44 | Page: 175-181
Impact Factor: 0.703
E. Ebin Raja Merly, M. Mahiba.
Ratio Mathematica. | 2022 | Volume No: 44 | Page: 100-108
Impact Factor: 0.703
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. | 2022 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 195 to 199
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. | 2021 | Volume No: 1947 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Malaya Journal of Matematik. | 2021 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific and Technology Research. | 2020 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 6641 to 6643
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Studia Rosenthliana . | 2020 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 12 | Page: 48 to 57
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Journal of Information and Computational Science. | 2020 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 10 | Page: 68 to 75
Impact Factor: 6.2
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific Research and Review. | 2019 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific Research and Review. | 2019 |
Impact Factor: 1.536
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Adalya Journal. | 2019 | Issue No: 12 | Volume No: 8 | Page: 218 - 223
Impact Factor: 5.3
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Applied Science and Computations. | 2019 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Journal of Mathematics Research. | 2018 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computer and Mathematical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 7 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 829 to 833
Impact Factor: 4.655
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computer and Mathematical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 6 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 619 to 624
Impact Factor: 4.655
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Applied Science and Computations. | 2018 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific Research and Review. | 2018 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computer and Mathematical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 6 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 625 to 630
Impact Factor: 4.655
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Global Journal of Pure and applied Mathematics. | 2018 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Applied Science and Computations. | 2018 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific Research and Review. | 2018 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics and its Applications. | 2018 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends and Technology. | 2018 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 53 | Page: 210 to 213
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Archiv. | 2018 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 20 t0 28
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trend and Technology. | 2018 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Archive. | 2018 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 7 to 10
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Applied Sciences and computations. | 2018 | Issue No: 9 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 59 to 66
Impact Factor: 5.8
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Scientific Research in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences. | 2018 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computer and Mathematical Sciences. | 2018 | Issue No: 7 | Volume No: 9 | Page: 748 - 753
Impact Factor: 4.655
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
computational and applied Mathematics. | 2018 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
contemporary Mathematical sciences. | 2017 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Pure and Applied Mathematics. | 2017 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology. | 2017 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Math. Sci. & Engg. Appls. (IJMSEA). | 2017 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Forum. | 2017 |
E. Ebin Raja Merly, A. M. Anto.
International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology (Special Issue - International Conference on Nanotechnology: The Fruition of Science-2017). | 2017 | Page: 56-57
Impact Factor: 4.490
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mat. Sci. & Engg. Appls. | 2017 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Asia Pacific . | 2017 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Research in Science. | 2017 | Volume No: 3 | Page: 1 to 2
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics and its Applications. | 2017 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Pacific Asian Journal of Mathematics. | 2017 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2017 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Pure and Applied Mathematics. | 2017 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics and its Applications. | 2016 | Issue No: 11 | Volume No: 2 | Page: 25 to 29
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
scientific and Innovative mathematical Research. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Theoretical and Applied Mathematical Sciences. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Asia Pacific . | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computational and Applied Mathematics. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Advanced and Innovative Research. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends and Technology. | 2016 | Issue No: 4 | Volume No: 36 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Science and Researc. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Advanced Material Sciences. | 2016 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 7 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Research Foundation. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research. | 2016 | Issue No: 10 | Volume No: 4 | Page: 53 to 55
Impact Factor: 4.225
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Multidisciplinary Researches. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography. | 2016 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 19 | Page: 117 to 140
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Advanced Material Sciences. | 2016 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 7 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Applied Mathematical Sciences. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Advanced and Innovative Research. | 2016 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends and Technology. | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Combinatorics Information and System Sciences. | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical and Computational Science. | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Combinatorics Information and System Sciences. | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Archives. | 2015 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 6 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends And Technology. | 2015 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 17 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Archive. | 2015 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 6 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical and Computational Science. | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Combinatorics Information and System Sciences. | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends And Technology. | 2015 | Issue No: 1 | Volume No: 24 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Computational And Applied Mathematics. | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Combinatorics Information and System Sciences. | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Trends And Technology. | 2015 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 6 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Sciences International Research . | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical and Computational Science. | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
International Journal of Mathematical Archive. | 2015 | Issue No: 8 | Volume No: 6 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Asia Pacific . | 2015 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2014 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Research in Mathematical Archives. | 2014 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Multidisciplinary. | 2013 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Current Engineering And Maths. | 2013 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics. | 2012 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences. | 2012 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematical Sciences: Theory and Practical. | 2012 |
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly.
Mathematics Research. | 2011 |
Papers Presented : National
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Medium domination decomposition number of product of path graphs" , Recent Trends in Algebra & Graph Theory NCAGT-2023, organised by Nanjil catholic college of Arts and Scince, kaliakkavilai, on 17-02-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Split domination self decomposition number of graphs" , Recent Trends in Algebra & Graph Theory NCAGT-2023, organised by Nanjil catholic college of Arts and Scince, kaliakkavilai, on 17-02-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Medium domination decomposition number of central graphs." , Current trends in Literary and Mathematical Studies, organised by MS University Postgraduate Extension centre, Nagercoil, on 24-01-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Medium domination decomposition number of join of some standard graphs" , National seminar on recent trends in pure and applied mathematics , organised by Aditanar college of arts and science, Tiruchendure, on 21-09-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Steiner Decomposition number of some power of path Graphs" , Recent Trends in Algebra & Graph Theory NCAGT-2023, organised by Nanjil catholic college of Arts and Scince, kaliakkavilai, on 17-02-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Medium domination decomposition number of join of some standard graphs" , National seminar on recent trends in pure and applied mathematics , organised by Aditanar college of arts and science, Tiruchendure, on 21-09-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Detour self decomposition number of some graphs" , National conference on advances in pure and applied mathematics, organised by Malankara Catholic college, Mariagiri, on 22-09-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Non-isomorphic Detour self decomposition number of some graphs" , National seminar on recent trends in pure and applied mathematics , organised by Aditanar college of arts and science,, Tiruchendure, on 21-09-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Non-isomorphic Detour self decomposition number of some graphs" , National seminar on recent trends in pure and applied mathematics , organised by Aditanar college of arts and science, Tiruchendure, on 21-09-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Detour self decomposition number of some graphs" , National conference on advances in pure and applied mathematics, organised by Malankara Catholic college, Mariagiri, on 22-09-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Total Steiner decomposition number of some graphs" , Current trends in Literary and Mathematical Studies, organised by MS University Postgraduate Extension centre, Nagercoil, on 24-01-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Steiner Decomposition number of Lexicographic product of some graphs" , Current trends in Literary and Mathematical Studies, organised by MS University Postgraduate Extension centre, Nagercoil, on 24-01-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Detour self decomposition on corona product of graphs" , International conference on recent innovations in application of mathematics, organised by Rani Anna Govt College, Tirunelveli, on 26-07-2023
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Split domination decomposition of graphs" , Recent concepts in Algebraic graph Theory, organised by Nanjil Catholic college of Arts and science college, Kaliakkavilai, on 04-10-2021
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Medium domination decomposition of Zig-Zag triangle graphs " , Recent trends in mathematical modeling, organised by Hislop college Nagpur, on 19-09-2021
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly "A Study on square difference labeling of graphs" , Recent trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics, organised by Rani Anna Govt. College, Tirunelveli, on 06-03-2020
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly "Even Path Decomposition of Odd cyclic Snake Graphs" , Discrete and Computational Mathematics, organised by University of Kerala, Kariavattom, on 12-01-2018
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly "K-Super Geometric mean number of graphs" , Contemporary Mathematics, organised by Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, on 04-01-2019
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly "More results on super Heronian Mean Labeling" , Discrete and Computational Mathematics, organised by University of Kerala, Kariavattom, on 12-01-2018
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly "Stolarsky-3 mean labeling of arbitrary super subdivision of some standard graphs" , Discrete and Computational Mathematics, organised by University of Kerala, Kariavattom, on 11-01-2018
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Connected domination path decomposition number of diamond snake graph " , Discrete and computational mathematics, organised by University of Kerala, Kariavatoom, on 11-01-2018
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Adjacent vertex sum polynomial of some standard graphs" , Research in Present Scenario, organised by NMCC Marthandam, on 27-01-2017
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly "Geometric Decomposition of complete Tripartite Graphs" , Recent Trends in Mathematical Modeling, organised by Rani Anna Govt. College for Women, Tirunelveli, on 12-02-2016
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly "Vertex polynomial for the splitting graph of snake graph" , Mathematical Sciences and Applications, organised by Mangayarkarasi College of Arts and Science for Women Madurai, on 08-01-2016
Papers Presented : International
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Steiner Domination Decomposition Number of Graphs" , Advances in Science and Engineering (ICASE-2022), organised by A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women, Thoothukudi, on 07-11-2022
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Medium Domination Decomposition of Graphs" , Advances in Science and Engineering (ICASE-2022), organised by A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women, Thoothukudi, on 07-11-2022
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Split Domination Decomposition of Path Graphs" , Advances in Science and Engineering (ICASE-2022), organised by A.P.C. Mahalaxmi College for Women, Thoothukudi, on 07-11-2022
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Medium Domination decomposition of subdivision of some " , RECENT ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS & STATISTICS, organised by Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science (Autonomous) Coimbatore, on 23-05-2022
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Medium domination decomposition of some ladder graph " , Recent trends in modern mathematics, organised by St.John’s college Palayamkottai, on 23-09-2021
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Geodetic Decomposition of Umbrella and Fan graphs" , New Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics, organised by Kerala University, on 22-01-2019
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Connected Domination Path Decomposition Number of Double Triangular Snake Graph" , Advances in Pure & Applied Mathematics, organised by MK University, on 06-09-2018
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Geodetic and Double Geodetic Decomposition on Ladder Graphs" , Advances in Pure & Applied Mathematics, organised by MK University, on 06-09-2018
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Double Even Path decomposition of some Graphs" , Advances in Pure & Applied Mathematics, organised by MK University, on 11-01-2018
Dr. E. Ebin Raja Merly "Vertex polynomial for the degree splitting graph of some standard graphs" , Nanotechnology: The fruition of Science, organised by NMCC, Marthandam, on 03-02-2017
E. Ebin Raja Merly "Odd star decomposition of extended Lobster" , Rethinking Teaching in the 21st Century, organised by Muslim Arts College Of Education, Thiruvithancode, on 09-03-2015
Invited Lecture / Guest Lecture
Resource Person
Resource person in the "UG & PG Maths Association" , held at Department of Maths, Nanjil catholic College, Kaliyakkavilai, on 29-09-2021.
Resource person in the ", Seminar on Analysis and Graph Theory" , held at Department of Mathematics, Muslim Arts College, Thiruvithancode, on 02-03-2017.
Programmes Attended
Participated in the Conference on "Advances in Science and Engineering ( ICASE – 2022 )" , organised by A.P.C Mahalaxmi College for Women-Thoothukudi, , on March 24th & 25th, 2022..
Participated in the Conference on "Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics(RETRIM’21)" , organised by Sarah Tucker College(Autonomous), Tirunelveli-7, on 28th and 29th October 2021.
Participated in the Conference on "International conference on Advances in Mathematics & Computer Engineering 2022" , organised by NMCC in collaboration with IMRF Institute of Higher Education & Research, India, on May 19-21, 2022.
Participated in the Conference on "Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics" , organised by Sarah Tucker College(Autonomous), Tirunelveli-7, on 28-10 2021 & 29-10 2021.
Participated in the Conference on "Mathematical Techniques And Applications" , organised by Department of Mathematics, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, on 24.03.2021 to 26.03.2021.
Participated in the Conference on "Applied Mathematics And Intellectual Property Rights" , organised by PG and Research Department of Mathematics, APC Mahalaxmi College for Women, Thoothukudi , on 09.03.2021 & 10.03.2021.
Participated in the Conference on "Laplace transforms and their applications in engineering" , organised by Kings engg. college chennai, on 27.06.2020.
Participated in the Conference on "Innovative Trends in Technology & Educational Research" , organised by Sree Ayyappa College for women Chunkankadai, on 22.02.2020.
Participated in the Conference on "KAAS" , organised by NMCC Marthandam, on 28.09.2018 & 29.09.2018.
Participated in the Conference on "Discrete Mathematics and its applications" , organised by Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, on 18.01.2018 to 20.01.2018.
Participated in the Conference on "Discrete & Computational Mathematics" , organised by University of Kerala, Kariavattom, on 11.01.2018 to 13.01.2018..
Participated in the Conference on "Research in Present Scenario" , organised by Nesamony Research Forum, NMC College, Marthandam, on January 27 2017.
Participated in the Conference on "Innovation in Research and Pedagogy" , organised by Holy Cross College Nagercoil, on 03.03.2017 & 04.03.2017.
Participated in the Conference on "Nanotechnology: The Fruition of Sciences" , organised by NMCC College Marthandam, on 15.02.2017 & 16.02.2017.
Participated in the Conference on "Nanotechnology: The Fruition of Sciences" , sponsored by SERB-DST & Ministry of Earth Sciences, Govt. of India , organised by by NMC College, Marthandam, on 15.02.2017 & 16.02.2017.
Participated in the Conference on "Recent trends in Mathematical Modelling" , organised by Rani Anna Govt. College, Tirunelveli, on 12.02.2016.
Participated in the Conference on "Emerging Trends in Graph Connections" , organised by University of Kerala, Kariavattom, on 08.01.2014 To 10.01.2014.
Participated in the Conference on "KAAS" , organised by Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai, on 20.09.2013 To 21.09.2013.
Participated in the Conference on "Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science" , organised by St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, on 24.01.2013 & 25.01.2013.
Participated in the Conference on "Emerging Trends in Arts and Science" , organised by NMCC Marthandam, on 07.10.2011 & 08.10.2011.
Participated in the Conference on "Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Applications" , organised by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, on 16.12.2010 To 18.12.2010.
Participated in the Conference on "Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Computer Applications" , organised by Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, on 16.12.2010 To 18.12.2010.
Participated in the Conference on "Recent Trends in Discrete Mathematics" , organised by Nazareth Margoschis College at Pillaiyanmanai, Nazareth, on 09.12.2010 To 11.12.2010.
Participated in the Conference on "Conference on Algebra, Graph Theory and their Applications" , organised by Department of Mathematics, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, on 04.02.2009 to 06.02.2009.
Participated in the Seminar on "Algebraic Graph Theory" , organised by The division of mathematics, school of advanced sciences, vellore Institute of technology, chennai , on 13-10-2022.
Participated in the Seminar on "IIQR, SSR, DVV AND Peer Team Visit: Modalities and Guidelines for HEIs " , organised by Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women, Chennai, on 15 & 16 Sep. 2022.
Participated in the Seminar on "Experiential Learning as Envisaged in NEP-2020 " , organised by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning Centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the PMMMNMTT of Ministry of Education , on 19th June 2022.
Participated in the Seminar on "The Role of Fourier Analysis in Signal Processing " , organised by Mangayarkarasi College of Arts and Science for women, Paravai, Madurai , on 19.11.2021.
Participated in the Seminar on "The Role of Fourier Analysis in Signal Processing" , organised by Mangayarkarasi College of Arts and Science for women, Paravai, Madurai, on 19.11.2021.
Participated in the Seminar on "'Linear Algebra and its Applications" , organised by DepartmentofMathematics, Government. College, Mokeri, on 23.10.2019 To 25.10.2019.
Participated in the Seminar on "Lifestyle Diseases" , organised by NMCCMarthandam, on 15.02.2019.
Participated in the Seminar on "Graph Theory" , organised by NMCC Marthandam, on 14.04.2018.
Participated in the Seminar on "Digital India" , organised by NMCC Marthandam , on 24.03.2017.
Participated in the Seminar on "Emerging Trends in Graph connections" , organised by University of Kerala, Trivandrum, on 8-10 January 2014.
Participated in the Seminar on "Graph Connections and Decomposition" , organised by Holy Cross College, Nagercoil, on 06.09.2013.
Participated in the Seminar on "Algebra, Analysis and Discrete Mathematics" , organised by University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, on 08.02.2012 To 10.02.2012.
Participated in the Seminar on "Mathematical Modeling through Graph & Channel Assignment Problem." , organised by Lekshmipuram College of Arts and Science, Neyyoor. , on 01.02.2011.
Participated in the Seminar on "Algebraic Graph Theory and History of Mathematics." , organised by NMCC Marthandam, on 12.03.2009.
Participated in the Seminar on "New Trends in Analysis" , organised by NMCC Mrthandam, on 27.03.2008.
Attended the Workshop on "Data Analysis and Machine Learning Bootcamp with Python" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, on 11th Jan - 20th Jan 2023.
Attended the Workshop on "Fuzzy Theory and Combinatorics" , organised by Division of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, on 14th and 15th December 2022..
Attended the Workshop on "EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH & PUBLISHING, COPYRIGHT AND PATENT" , organised by Research cell, St. Joseph College of Teacher Education for women, Ernakulam in association with Lore & Ed Research Associates, Kottayam, on 3-12-2022 to 6-12-2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Python For Beginners" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, on 01-10-2022 to 10-10-2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Graph Theory using Python " , organised by School of Advanced Sciences, VIT, Chennai , on 03-09-2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Open Source Tools For Research" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt , on 11-9- 2022 to 20-9- 2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Technical Writing With LaTeX " , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt , on 11-7- 2022 to 20-7- 2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Short-term course on ‘Inclusive Education’" , organised by ISS College of Teacher Education Ponniakurissi P.O., Perinthalmanna Malappuram, Kerala, India , on 20-26 February 2023.
Attended the Workshop on "30 days Master class on Python full stack" , organised by Pantech e Learning Pvt. Ltd., Chennai , on 11-07-2022 to 12-08-2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Short Term Course in Data Analysis and Machine Learning Bootcamp with Python" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, on 21-2-2022 to 2-3-2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Short Term Course in Ramanujan Day-2021, expert talks on “Number theory & its Applications" , organised by Department of Mathematics, SRMIST, Ramapuram, Chennai, on 22 & 23 December 2021..
Attended the Workshop on "Short Term course in Machine Learning With Python: A Practical Introduction" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, on 21.09.2021 To 30.09.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "Short Term Course in Data Analysis using Python Libraries" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, on 25.05.2021 To 04.06.2021 .
Attended the Workshop on "Design with Photoshop and Adobe XD " , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt , on 11-5-2022 to 20-5-2022..
Attended the Workshop on "Open Source Tools For Research " , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, on 11-3-2022 to 20-3-2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Python For Beginners " , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, on 1-01-2022 to 10-01-2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Open Source Tools For Research" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, on 11-3-2022 to 20-3-2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Python For Beginners" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt,, on 01-01-2022 to 10-01-2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Designing CaptivatingPresentations with PowerPoint" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, on 21-11-2021 to 30-11-2021.
Attended the Workshop on "Open Source Tools For Research" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, on 21-10-2021 to 30-10-2021.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in Computational Tools for Research in Mathematics" , organised by Department of Applied Sciences, sagar Institute of Research&Technology, on 19-2-2022.
Attended the Workshop on "Digital Skills for Smart Teaching" , organised by Don Bosco College, Maram, Manipur, on 14.06.2021 To 19.06.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in Virtual Practices And Security’" , organised by Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, Chennai-97 and Dr.M.G.R.Educational and research Institute,Chennai-95, on 07.06.2021 To 13.06.2021 .
Attended the Workshop on "LateX " , organised by FDP in Auxilium College of Arts and Science for Women, Pudukkottai , on 07.06.2021 To 12.06.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in Matlab and its applicatinos" , organised by N.G.P. Institute of Techno;ogy, Coimnatore , on 07.06.2021 To 12.06.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in How To Get Research Grants From Funding Agencies" , organised by Arjun College of Technology, Coimbatore, on 05.06.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in API Scoring System For Faculty Members, Librarians And Physical Directors With Special Reference To UGC Regulation 2018 " , organised by PKC Nagercoil, on 14.05.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in Teaching Mathematics Effectively In Online Mode: Various ICT Tools And Softwares" , organised by Tech Edu Teacher, on 09.08.2020. pdf
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in E-content Development " , organised by Guru Angad Dev TLC SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under PMMMNMTT, Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt., on 27.07.2020 to 31.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in Advanced Concepts For Developing Moocs" , organised by TLC, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, on 02.07.2020 To 17.07.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in Open Source Tools For Research " , organised by TLC, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, on 08.06.2020 To 14.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in Introduction To Fuzzy Sets And Its Generalizations" , organised by Department of Mathematics, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College(Autonomous) Sivakasi, on 10.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in Ict Teaching And Learning " , organised by Sree Ayyappa college for Women, Chunkankadai , on 02.06.2020 & 03.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "FDP in Managing Online Classes And Co-creating Moocs:20" , organised by TLC, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, on 18.05.2020 To 03.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Learner Centric Content Design Tools" , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt., on 05.05.2021 To 14.05.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "Research Paradigms" , organised by St.Francis College, Koramangal, Bangalore , on 3.05.2021 To 08.05.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "Algebra" , organised by Kalaimagal College of arts and science Virudhunagar, on 28.04.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "Learner Centric Content Design Tools " , organised by Sanatan Dharma College, Ambala Cantt, on 11.02.2021 To 20.02.2021.
Attended the Workshop on "Science Leadership Workshop" , organised by Central University of Punjab , on 22.06.2020 To 28.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Comprehensive E-learning To E-training Guide For Administrative Work" , organised by TLC, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi PMMMNMTT, on 25.05.2020 To 05.06.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Basics Of Documentation Using Latex" , organised by Stella Maris College, Chennai , on 24.04.2020 To 26.04.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "Faculty Development Program On Latex" , organised by V.O.Chidambaram College , on 29.04.2020 To 05.05.2020.
Attended the Workshop on "one week Short-term course in MOOCs E-content development and Open Educational Resources" , sponsored by UGC, organised by UGC HRDC, University of Kerala, on 25.09.2019 To 01.10.2019.
Attended the Workshop on "Recent Technological Innovations in Teaching learning & Evaluation for Quality Higher Education’" , organised by NMCC Marthandam, on 18.03.2019 & 19.03.2019.
Attended the Workshop on "LaTex for Research Scholars & Teachers" , organised by NMCC Marthandam, on 20.01.2017 & 21.01.2017.
Attended the Workshop on "Short Term Course in National Mathematics Day" , organised by Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai, on 22.12.2016.
Attended the Workshop on "LaTex." , organised by Noorul Islam University Kumaracoil, on 25.10.2013 & 26.10.2013.
Attended the Workshop on "Decomposition of Graphs and Product Graphs." , organised by Periyar University, Salem, on 22.06.2011 To 25.06.2011.
Attended the Workshop on "Short Term Couse in DST & TNSCST sponsored Research Awareness Programme" , organised by St.Xavier’s College, Palayamkottai, on 09.03.2012..
Attended the Symposium on "Modern Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering" , organised by Department of Mathematics, NIT Warangal, on 11-05-2022.
Teaching Experience
P.G. level : 24 years
U.G. level : 24 years
Subjects Taught
ODD Semester
CourseSubjectYearSemesterName of the Paper
M.Sc Mathematics (A) WMASE33 II 3 PROGRAMMING IN C++
B.Sc Mathematics (A) CMMA51 III 5 LINEAR ALGEBRA
Even Semester
CourseSubjectYearSemesterName of the Paper
M.Sc Mathematics (A) WMAP41 II 4 PROJECT
B.Sc Mathematics (A) CMMA63 III 6 NUMBER THEORY
Ph.D Guidance
1. Mahiba M ( Reg.No. : 20213112092013 ), "steiner decomposition of graphs" , 2020, Full Time, OnGoing.
2. Celin Shalini C ( Reg.No. : 20213112092010 ), "Geodetic domination decomposition of graphs" , 2020, Full Time, OnGoing.
3. Anlin Bena E ( Reg.No. : 20213112092038 ), "Geodetic connected domination decomposition of graphs" , 2020, Full Time, OnGoing.
4. Saranya J ( Reg.No. : 20113112092022 ), "Medium domination decomposition of graphs" , 2020, Full Time, OnGoing.
5. Shiny Edmund E ( Reg.No. : 20123112092026 ), "Square decomposition of graphs" , 2020, Part Time, OnGoing.
6. Praisy B ( Reg.No. : 19233112092010 ), "GEOMETRIC DELTA DECOMPOSITION OF GRAPHS" , 2019, Part Time, OnGoing.
7. Iwin Joel T ( Reg.No. : 17213112091006 ), "Geodetic Decomposition of Graphs" , 2017, Full Time, Completed.
8. Jeya Jothi D ( Reg.No. : 12411 ), "Connected domination decomposition of graphs" , 2016, Full Time, Completed.
9. Deepa SD - (Co Guide) ( Reg.No. : 11812 ), "Heronian Mean Labelling of Graphs" , 2015, Part Time, Completed.
10. Jemi GD - (Co-Guide) ( Reg.No. : 12003 ), "A Study on Heroinian Mean Labelling of Graph" , 2015, Part Time, Completed.
11. Suthiesh Goldy J ( Reg.No. : 11642 ), "Some special characters and properties of even decomposition of graphs" , 2014, Full Time, Completed.
12. Shiny B - (Co-Guide) ( Reg.No. : 11758 ), "Super geometric mean labeling" , 2014, Part Time, Completed.
13. Anto AM ( Reg.No. : 11751 ), "Generalized facto graphs" , 2014, Full Time, Completed.
14. Kavitha S ( Reg.No. : 12009 ), "Domination and chromatic numbers in a graph a study" , 2010, Part Time, Completed.
Orientation / Refresher Courses attended
S.NoOrientation / RefresherTitle of programmeOrganiserPeriod
1 Orientation (IT oriented) Academic Staff College, University of Kerala 09-11-2007 - 06-12-2007
2 Refresher Two-week Refresher Course In Mathematical Sciences TLC, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi PMMMNMTT 14-06-2021 - 28-06-2021
3 Refresher Two-week Refresher Course In Mathematics TLC, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi PMMMNMTT 16-03-2021 - 30-03-2021
4 Refresher Mathematics Academic Staff College, University of Kerala 05-09-2012 - 26-09-2012
5 Refresher Refresher Course (Special Summer School) UGC-HRDC, University of Kerala 11-07-2017 - 31-07-2017
6 Refresher Refresher Course in Mathematics Academic Staff College University of Kerala 17-09-2014 - 07-10-2014
Programmes Organised
Organised Seminar on "Graph Theory" , NMCC Marthandam, organised by Department of Mathematics, NMCC Marthandam , on 2017-2018.
Organised Workshop on "Public Financial Management System(Pfms) With Special Reference To Tsa" , sponsored by UGC, NMCC Marthandam, organised by NMCC, Marthandam in /collaboration with the PFMS, Ministry of Finance, Got. of India, on 2020-2021.
Organised Workshop on "Advanced Leadership Training for the Heads of Rural Institutions" , sponsored by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia , NMCC Marthandam , organised by Research Committee, on 2019-2020.
Organised Workshop on "Recent Technological Innovations in Teaching, Learning and Evaluation for Quality Higher Education" , NMCC Marthandam, organised by Research Committee NMCC Marthandam, on 2018-2019.
Membership in Board of Studies
S.NoName of InstitutionPeriodPosition
1 Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli 2019 - 2020 Member
2 University of Kerala 2019 - 2020 Member
3 MS University From Feb 2023 Member
Responsibilities held
College level
Member for UGC - Programme Committee in 2022-2023
Member for Canteen Committee in 2022-2023
Member for Fist in 2021-2022
Member for UGC - Programme Committee in 2019-2020
Member for Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in 2019-2020
Member for Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in 2023-2024
Member for UGC-Programme Committee in 2021-20221
Member for Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in 2022-2023
Member for Fund for Improvement of S & T Infrastructure (FIST) in 2022-2023
Member for FIST in 2020-2021
Member for Research Committee in 2020-2021
Member for Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in 2021-2022
Member for Research Committee in 2021-2022
Member for Research Committee in 2022-2023
Member for UGC Programme Committee in 2020-2021
Member for Research Committee in 2019-2020
Member for Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in 2021-2022
Member for Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) in 2020-2021
Member for FIST in 2019-2020
  • Marthandam,
    Kanyakumari District,
  • 04651 - 270257