Papers Published : National
Hybrid CBIR method using statistical DWTEncrypt and POPMV- Based feature set. .
Latha, D & Jacob Vetha Raj Y.
IET Image Processing. | 2019 | Issue No: 12 | Volume No: 13 |
Papers Published : International
Latha, D & Jacob Vetha Raj Y.
Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM),. | 2018 | Issue No: 11 | Volume No: 3 | Page: 109 to 115
Latha, D & Jacob Vetha Raj Y.
Scientific Research in Computer Science. | 2018 |
Latha, D & Jacob Vetha Raj Y.
Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM). | 2018 | Issue No: 2 | Volume No: 4 | Page: 516 to 522
Geetha, A, Latha, D & Jacob Vetha Raj, Y.
International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research (IJETER) . | 2017 | Issue No: 6 | Volume No: 5 | Page: 15-22
D. Latha , M. Mohamed Sathik and Y. Jacob Vetha Raj.
ICTACT JOURNAL ON IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING. | 2016 | Issue No: 03 | Volume No: 06 | Page: 1174-1179
Papers Presented : National
1. |
Dr. D. Latha
"Vegetable Classification using CBIR Techniques" ,
Data science and Engineering,
organised by Department of Computer science and Research centre, S.T. Hindu College, Negercoil ,
on 08-08-2014
Papers Presented : International
1. |
Dr. D. Latha
"A Multi Channel Approach for CBIR" ,
Global Challenges and Perspectives of Sustainable Development,
organised by St. Jerome's College, Ananthanadarkudy,
on 21-12-2019
2. |
Dr. D. Latha
"An analysis of performance evaluation methods in CBIR" ,
International Industry Academia Conference ,
organised by Riyasaa labs,
on 22-03-2019
3. |
Dr. D. Latha
"A Study on Recent Image Features for Effective Classification and Retrieval" ,
organised by Department of ECE, EEE, CSE & IT, Vivekananda College of Engineering for Women, Tiruchengode,
on 08-03-2017