To organise awareness campaigns, workshops and seminars on environmental topics.
To implement sustainable practices within the college campus and outside the campus.
To organise tree planting drives and create a green campus.
To organise training sessions on topics related to sustainable Lifestyle choices.
Dr. N. Maybel Starlin
Dept. of Botany
Dr. M.S. Premalatha
Dept. of Computer Applications
Dr. S. Sukumaran
Dept. of Botany
Dr. V. Viji Kumar
Dept. of PG Commerce
Dr. S. Sunitha
Dept. of Economics
Dr. R. Rema Mary
Dept. of PG Commerce
Mr. S.M. Goldyn Abric Sam
Dept. of Management Studies
Dr. S.S. Sheeba
Dept. of Tamil
Dr. C. Christal Vasanthi
Dept. of Physics
Mr. C. Selvaraj
Supporting Staff
Mr. P. Paul Stephenson
Supporting Staff
Dr. D. Subitha
Dept. of Mathematics